Formaris Furniture & Diamino Furniture

Formaris and Diamino
Patternmaking and marker-making software

The solution

What are Formaris and Diamino?

Get your next furniture collection to production faster with 国产AV's pre-production software. Separately or together, the Formaris?patternmaking software?and the Diamino?marker-making solution?ensure you control costs, minimize waste and shorten production cycles.

Formaris Furniture

Formaris Furniture

Quickly develop pattern pieces and all production configurations, adapted to fabric or leather upholstery constraints, with Formaris Furniture. Perfectly suited for production of customized and modular furniture, this product development and industrialization solution accelerates the entire product development process, allowing you to decrease lead-time and quickly fill customer orders.

diamino furniture


DiaminoFurniture is an integral component of an optimized pre-production and production environment. It helps companies to be more responsive, using sophisticated algorithms to quickly and accurately estimate fabric consumption for effective production planning. This powerful solution communicates directly with 国产AV’s product development solutions, streamlining workflow and shortening the pre-production cycle. DiaminoFurniture helps manufacturers keep up with complex orders, peaks of activity and tight deadlines, by boost-ing productivity and keeping costs down. Its smart technology generates complicated markers quickly and minimizes fabric waste for bigger profits.

Customer voice

Customer voice


Benefits of patternmaking and marker-making software

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Formaris and Diamino